Form Module

The form module allows you to add a basic form to your site.

Configuring Notifications

When you create a form, set up notifications to know when that form has been filled out and submitted.

Notifications are emails that are sent to specified email addresses that contain the information entered in the form.

First, select the form:

Then click "Edit Form Notifications":

You will see a screen that looks like this:

Here, you can configure your form notifications.

  • Name: the name of the notification for admin purposes
  • To Email: the email that the notification is sent to
  • From Email: the email address that the form is sent from (you will likely want to set this to contact@[] where "" is the domain where the form is displayed.
  • ReplyTo Email: the email address that reply emails are sent to when you reply to the email in your email client
  • CC Email: An additional email address to send form submissions
  • Subject: The subject of the notification email
  • Message: The message of the notification email

Using Variables:

At the top of the notification screen, you'll see variables that are available to use in the various fields in the notification configuration. These variables will be swapped with the value of the field in the form submission.

For example, in the above picture, "ReplyTo Email" is set to {{Email}}. This means that when someone fills out the form, the value that they enter in the Email field will be used for the ReplyTo email.